Tips for Written Testimony

  • Keep it brief, ideally no longer than one page

  • State who you are up front; if you are writing about a particular bill, include the bill number

  • Identify three main points

  • Make your letter personal (include a short story about what the issue is important to you)

  • Be courteous and respectful, while always being clear and firm in your viewpoint


Dear Representative/Senator [insert last name]:

My name is ____ and I am a constituent who lives in [insert your assembly or senatorial district]. I am [insert relevant skills or professional/practical experience, especially if it is relative to the bill you are providing testimony on].

I am writing today to express my support for [insert bill title and bill number].

  • Main point #1

  • Main point #2

  • Main point #3

Insert a personal story or connection to the issue.

[Restate your concern and the specific action you would like them to take]. Thank you for your time.




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