How to End Christian Nationalism Conference
MARCH 22nd, 2025
The Rhode Island State Council of Churches is pleased to host Amanda Tyler, Executive Director of the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty, as our featured speaker as we work to end Christian Nationalism in Rhode Island and beyond.
Christian nationalism is a cultural framework that idealizes and advocates a fusion of Christianity with American civic life. But the "Christian" in Christian Nationalism is more about identity than religion and it carries with it assumptions about nativism, white supremacy, authoritarianism, patriarchy, and militarism.
The day’s activities will also include workshops, engaging panel discussions, and lunch catered by Amos House.
— Registration with lunch closes on Monday, March 17th @ noon —
Morning Panel
Amanda Tyler
Executive Director, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty
Rev. Darrell Goodwin
Executive Conference Minister of the Southern New England Conference of the United Church of Christ
Angela McParland
Justice Resource Manager for Sisters of Mercy of the Americas
Rev. Sarah Reed Jay
Senior Pastor, Community Church of Providence
Afternoon Presentations
The Age of Discovery and Christian Nationalism
This offering will explore the relationship between Papal Encyclicals, European Colonization, and their integration into English and American Law.
Dr. Taino Palermo, co-founder of the Center for Indigenous Peoples Rights, will lead this session.
Covering School Committees, Trans Rights, DEI, and Book Bans in Rhode Island
Rhode Island is a small state with 34 public school districts, each with its own school committee or school board, and 271 schools. Tracking Christian Nationalist efforts can be challenging - and sadly, it’s not a one-person job.
Steve Ahlquist, an independent reporter with well over a decade of experience writing about politics and social justices, will lead this session.
Made in God’s Image
Christian Nationalism’s role in the persecution of gender diverse individuals is confounding, in no small part because it’s not what scripture leads us to. To the contrary, Jesus led us to understand that the diversity of humankind is absolutely essential to our existence. Let us faithfully explore together how and why this is so.
Rev. DL Helfer, ordained minister and licensed social worker, will lead this session.
Parasites, Patriarchy, and Project 2025
This class will focus on identifying how Project 2025 relies on and extends sexism, patriarchy, and racism in its concepts of the family, distributions of civil rights, and extreme favoring of white, cisgendered men and their heterosexual family structures. It will also ask how our faith traditions and practices can critique Project 2025 and call us to stances and actions of resistance on behalf of women, LGBTQIA+, and BIPOC folx - all of whom are deeply loved by the God who created them.
Rev. Dr. Amy L. Chilton, Senior Minister at Phillips Memorial Baptist Church, will lead this session.
Roger Williams, the Prophet of Religious Liberty
Roger Williams created the first place where religion and the state were separated. Because of him, his colony, Providence Plantations had a completely secular government, and he regarded the idea of a “Christian state” to be blasphemous.
Dr. J. Stanley Lemons, Professor Emeritus of History at Rhode Island College and Historian of the First Baptist Church in America, will lead this session.
Conference Worship Leaders
Rev. Canon Dr. Dena Cleaver-Bartholomew
Canon to the Ordinary, Episcopal Diocese of Rhode Island
Rev. Darrell Goodwin
Executive Conference Minister of the Southern New England Conference of the United Church of Christ
Daniel Hill
Director of Music, Community Church of Providence
Michelle Hill
Vocalist, Community Church of Providence
Stephen Martorella
Minister of Music, First Baptist Church
Mary Pendergast, RSM
Sisters of Mercy
Bishop Nathan Pipho
Bishop, New England Synod, ELCA
Rev. Lauri Smalls
Senior Pastor, Union Baptist Church
Additional Resources
Baptist Joint Commission on Religious Liberty
Download this pdf or watch this video for a basic overview.
Click here for free resources to help lead small group discussions or engage in personal reflection.
Click here to view additional resources on the BJC website.